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That sounds like a problem

Kids and their problems! Am I right?

And we are all so busy trying to be awesome parents and help them that I feel like we don't let them solve their own problems nearly enough.

We all have those moments when we crack or we have these big "ah ha" moments. For me it came when I saw one of my boys sitting on the couch watching TV and he just raised his empty cup and shook it for me like he was a snobby rich man summoning the waiter. I was raising a brat! No "please" or "thank you" just an expectation that I would anticipate his need and take care of it. Kid was 5!

If you around my house these days, you are probably going to hear me answer just about every whine with "That sounds like a problem. What would be a solution?" I don't mind helping my kids and they are still pretty little to expect them to take care of all of life's demands but I at least want them to be aware of the fact that they have a responsibility in solving their problems and needing to ask for help when appropriate.

Like getting your kids to say "please" and "thank you," it takes time for kids to make these things automatic but try adding "What would be a solution?" to your parenting repertoire.

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